Meet my baby V.

Hello World!

I am baby V.  I am a boy. At least that’s what they’ve told me. I don’t know yet what’s a boy but I’ll find out. I won’t disclose my full name because my daddy S.  doesn’t want that. He’s concerned about my privacy so he doesn’t want to see my adorable photos plastered all over the Internet.

I was born on 4th November during a full moon. My mummy and daddy waited for me for so long so I just figured I could keep them waiting for a bit more and I passed my due date. But I had a very good reason for that. As it turned out I was the only baby that night on the maternity ward so I had the full attention of the entire staff. They were very kind and helpful to my mummy. Of course, I helped her too 🙂 She wanted to have a natural birth so it took a long, long time but she made it through. And there I was, finally in her arms. To be honest, those first minutes in the outside world weren’t as fun as those comfy 9 months in my mummy’s belly. Some people were measuring me while I was naked (how rude of them) so I was very happy when they put me in my mummy’s warm embrace. And then I ate. What a strange feeling! But a good one. Oh, I forgot to tell you how big I am. I weighed 3.72 kg when I was born and I am 54 cm long.

my baby boy 🙂

After two days at the hospital they let us go home. I was brought into my lovely blue room and went to sleep immediately. My mummy and daddy take great care of me. After all, I’m really not that demanding. All I want to do is eat and sleep and cry. No matter the time of day or night. Of course, I like to be clean too so I make them change my diapers often. There’s someone else at the house too. I can’t really see him properly yet but I’ve heard him. He makes similar sounds like I do. My parents  told me it’s a cat. I’ll have to take their word for it. I don’t know yet what’s a cat but it sounds like something fun.

My parents took me for a walk outside (well, I was in a pram). I don’t remember much of the outside world because I was fast asleep. But there’s plenty of time for me to explore the outside world. And travel. My mummy whispered some travel plans into my ear but I forgot them….

 I’m soooooo sleepy… I must go… bye, bye….

ps. This is my 200th post since I launched this blog more than two years ago 🙂




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48 thoughts on “Meet my baby V.

  1. […] And that brings me to the present moment. I’m 35/36 weeks pregnant now. How do I feel? Really well actually. So far, no stretch marks in sight! Yay! I expected to get them because I have some since my puberty but not on the belly. But you can also get them after the delivery. 😦  I am all packed and set for the hospital. My husband will be present at the delivery. And he’ll take some time off work so that we can all adjust to each other 🙂 I’m soooo looking forward to finally meeting my baby. […]


  2. Huge congratulations, Tanja – I’m guessing the blog achievement is marginally less important than the wonderful arrival of your little man! And your first Christmas all together too – magical – so much to look forward to – enjoy, it seems to go so very quickly!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Awww congrats.. if only V had waited just two more day he would have been born on my birthday.. two days earlier is still ok tho haha. Can’t wait to hear more about V’s adventures xo

    Liked by 1 person

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