Life & blog update: May 2024

my kids on a hike on Učka mountain

Life & blog update: May 2024…was a fast-paced kind of a month. I don’t even know what to write about in this monthly update for May and yet we’re already in June. On the one hand, it seems as if all I did was just work, work and more work. On the another hand, we still managed to squeeze in a couple of fun outings.

As usually 1st of May means BBQ with friends for us. Kids played with their friends and my husband made an excellent BBQ meal for us all. It was a really relaxing day. Throughout the month kids had several play dates but we didn’t manage to have some free time for ourselves. We participated in a guided hike on Učka mountain for the opening of a new educational trail designed especially for the kids. My kids loved flipping the new interactive wooden boards to find out what a bear eats or to pair a leaf with its fruit and tree.

My daughter has taken up gymnastics a while ago. In May she participated in her first tournament.  Her group just showed the audience what they have learnt in the last couple of months and got small gifts and a medal for encouragement while the older kids competed for real. I was gutted that I missed her first gymnastics show because of my work schedule. Luckily, my husband filmed it all.

I found my new job to be very interesting. My friends say that I could write a book about some of the amusing situations that I have experienced so far at my work (or about the people I have met) but even though I share a lot of personal things here I have always kept my work life private and I intend to continue with that practice.

I also don’t like to dwell on less positive things from the past month. I have had some health issues and some unpleasant situations with my kids. Raising kids isn’t just fun days out since all kids can be very challenging occasionally. My new job schedule has put a pressure on my family and we all need to adjust to our new situation.

May felt like the shortest month ever. We don’t have any travel plans for this summer apart from a possible family trip in northern Croatia at the end of August and a metal concert in Austria in July for us adults. I hope that we could fly somewhere with kids in November or December.

How was your May? Any trips planned for June?

Published posts in May

Happy June!



27 thoughts on “Life & blog update: May 2024

    1. Well, some old bands like Metallica and Rammstein and Iron Maiden, my hubby wants to go to this concert , I d rather stay at home and sleep than go to any kind of a concert🤣

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Best of luck navigating the recent challenges in your life. I’m sure you’ll find your way! I’m bummed because I’m not going to be able to make it to Croatia this summer. I’m pining for my morning coffees at my favorite café on Makarska’s riva!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. For me, May had it’s up & downs – more so than previous months. But it’s the law of luck & averages … good times must be offset by occasional bad ones. New job and family adjustments can be stressful and having to miss kid events is awful. It’s good though that you made time to have outings. Good memories last longer than bad ones!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. On the contrary, May felt like it dragged for me. Lots of work and a lot of stress that really tested my mental health. But I’m looking forward to the summer months, as I have a few trips I’ll be taking with my partner! Hope this summer looks up for you, and thanks for sharing, Tanja 🙂

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  4. I also feel like May just flew by! It’s great that you could have some fun times and I’m glad you are enjoying your new job! Managing new time schedules and situations must be really difficult with kids, but it will slowly all fall back into place! I wish you a wonderful month of June!

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    1. He doesn’t like being left with other people? We have a cat and he likes spending time with my parents when we travel. I don’t have a lot of holiday this year because I changed my job. So, more trips next year, hopefully

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      1. No my old dog doesn’t like me leaving her at all. Even with my husband, she frets and develops stress diarrhoea. It is a problem. What industry is your new job? Do you like it?

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