Life & blog update: September 2023

oldtimers exhibition and this car from the cult movie Back to the future

Life & blog update: September 2023 eventful month. Lots of birthdays, a couple of fun events, sickness and a big life-changing decision. Unlike last September, this September was very warm and sunny. It is still possible to go swimming but we did it only once last month because we had other obligations and things to do.

My daughter L. turned 4! We had a family birthday party and she had lots of fun trying to smash a large unicorn piñata. She’s also celebrated her birthday in a playroom with all her friends. My sweet daughter is totally bossing us around. I hope that she remains to be sweet and tough at the same time as she is now while she’s growing up . She’s taken up dance classes too and she’s enjoying it very much. This is my son’s last year at daycare (pre-school year). So, next September he’s a school pupil. We’ve also attended a few other kid’s birthdays. Moreover, we’ve taken the kids to a sort of local produce fair. There was a free show for kids, some delicious free cakes and music.

We’ve visited an oldtimer cars show. Among the cars that you can see in old black and white movies there were also cars from my childhood. Yes, I’m an oldtimer too:) Surprisingly, a car from the cult 80’s movie Back to the future somehow got into the hands of a Croatian owner and was the highlight of this show. My kids were more interested in the ice-cream at the show than the cars.

Of course, we played a lot of board games and our 10 x 10 board game challenge is progressing well so I think that we’ll manage to finish it again this year.

I’ve also finally visited the beautiful Sugar palace that now houses the Museum of Rijeka. It’s been completely renovated and besides the interesting portrayal of Rijeka’s turbulent history (where else could you see sugar loaves, Klimt paintings and the first torpedo?), the building itself is absolutely stunning and worth visiting.

I’ve featured the first guest post in September. Thank you Wayne for showing us the beautiful spa retreat in the Northern Ireland. More guest posts are coming up soon.

More about my big decision in next month’s life & blog update post. It wasn’t an easy decision but it was the right decision.

How was your September? Any travel plans for October?

Published posts in September

Happy October!



18 thoughts on “Life & blog update: September 2023

  1. I LOVE Back to the Future. So nostalgic to me. I’m always trying to get my kids to watch 80’s/90’s movies with me. Your September sounds fun, wishing you and the family a lovely October.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Your kids are growing up! Sounds like September was filled with a lot of big changes and decisions, but you made it through, and I hope you get to have a more-relaxed October and onwards as the weather gets cooler!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. How amazing that you had a chance to see the iconic car from the movie “Back to the Future”. I’ve only seen a few episodes from the famous show, but I do know the car as it is a real vehicle created in Northern Ireland by DeLorean, an automaker from Northern Ireland. The automaker intended to launch an electric model later this year, but I am not sure if he succeeded. Happy Birthday to your daughter. I hope she had a wonderful day celebrating. Thanks for sharing and have a good day 🙂 Aiva xx

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Oh wow that car is in Croatia now? It’s great that your daughter has taken up dancing. It be great for her posture and would be thanking you when she’s older. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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