Our 10 x 10 board game challenge (2023)

Our 10 x 10 board game challenge (2023)
our 10 x 10 board game challenge board

10 x 10 board game challenge means that you pick 10 games to play 10 times during the course of 1 year. I posted last year about our 2022 challenge. We were very successful with 10 x 10 board game challenge in 2023 as well. We managed to finish it by the middle of December. As you know we often play board games with our friends and we’ve been playing more and more children’s board games with our kids too. That’s why our kids chose 5 games out of 10 for this year’s challenge which we’ve already started.

Our 2023 board game challenge comprised of some old and some new games. Some of the games on the list such as Bunny Kingdom and Carcassonne were also played in 2022. Kids chose three games for our 2023 challenge (The Enchanted Tower; Mists over Carcassonne and Rhino hero which strictly speaking aren’t children’s games). I liked some of the games on the list more than others and I definitely didn’t feel like playing 10 times Starship captains. We’ve also played a lot of other games besides the games on our challenge.

We have a huge collection of board games. So, you might ask, how do you acquire your board games? Most of them are second-hand (but in great condition), only some are new. My husband gets them on different gaming forums, buy & sell ads, trades them with friends and he always buys a lot of games at Spiel Essen convention each year. Sometimes he buys some games in online shops. He almost never buys them in actual shops because they are more expensive there than in online shops (the exception was when we bought a board game during our trip to Berlin).

10 x 10 board game challenge 2023

Carcassonne ***** by Hans im Gluck publisher

A true classic. We played the original game and the game Mists over Carcassonne. This game can be played as a stand alone co-operative game (everyone plays together against the game) or as an expansion. It is actually quite difficult to win, to get through all the levels of the co-operative game. We’ve found it more fun as just an expansion.

Nidavellir *** by GRRRE games publisher

It’s more fun with 4 players than just 2 players. After playing it several times in a row, it lost its charm and we sold it after completing our challenge.

Bunny Kingdom ***** by Iello publisher

This game has such beautiful visuals. We played the standard game and two expansions, In the Sky and Bunny Express. In the Sky is a good expansion and with it you can play with more players than the standard game. We didn’t play Bunny Express expansion that much so I can’t really score it fairly just yet.

Crown of Emara ***** by Pegasus Spiele publisher

I love this Euro style game very much. It combines card actions with worker movement actions and there are two scoring tracks which you need to equally advance if you want to win this game. Plus, it looks nice!

7 wonders duel **** by Repos production publisher

I like the original 7 Wonders game and this version for only 2 players. We didn’t play it for years until last year. It’s one of the best games for 2 players.

Rhino Hero ** by HABA publisher

It’s fun for the kids but it’s just not my type of a game. You build floors of the house and the game finishes when someone unintentionally knocks it all over.

The Enchanted Tower **** by Drei Magier Spiele publisher

I liked playing this game with our kids. One team hides the key and another tries to find it to save the princess from the enchanted tower.

First Rat **** by Pegasus Spiele publisher

Rats who try to build a rocket while collecting cheese, apples and scrap? It’s a fun game for sure! And it looks cute which is always a bonus for me.

Starship captains *** by CGE publisher

I’m not a fan of a real space theme for board games. I found this game boring but others might disagree with me. CGE has some amazing games but Starship captains isn’t one of them.

Are you playing board games? Have you heard of these games from our challenge?

15 thoughts on “Our 10 x 10 board game challenge (2023)

  1. We have something similar to Rhino Hero where parrots are added to a banana tree until you knock it over (Jolly Polly). But it doesn’t work or somehow we are too good at it, the tree never gets knocked over 🤷‍♀️ So it’s not much fun. Sometimes the kids want to play it anyway. (We may have initially lost a part and done something wrong, the assembly instructions were incredible unclear.)

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