Altes AKH Christmas market, Vienna

I love Christmas markets. I’ve been fortunate enough to have visited all the Christmas markets in Vienna over the past few years. Last year I ticked off the last item on my Christmas markets in Vienna list: Altes AKH Christmas Market – the Christmas Village Former General Hospital (also known as the Christmas market at the Campus of the University of Vienna). Altes AKH Christmas market isn’t exactly in the heart of Vienna which is why you won’t find that many tourists there. However, that doesn’t mean that it is far from the city center. On the contrary, it took me less than 15 minutes on foot from the main Christmas market in front of the City Hall to this charming Christmas market in the courtyard of the University of Vienna. I visited it in the early afternoon on a Saturday so there weren’t that many people around yet. I’m sure it gets more crowded later in the afternoon and in the evening.

I took a walk around Altes AKH Christmas market to see what it offers. Later, I read that this Christmas market is popular among the locals, especially among young families. There was a Christmas train, and a Ferris Wheel and a couple of other activities which are definitely aimed at younger children. There was also a small ice-skating ring. Of course, there were a number of stands selling the usual Christmas markets’ wares: Christmas decorations, woolen hats and gloves, pottery, candles, sweets etc.

It wouldn’t be a Christmas market if it didn’t have delicious Christmas specialties to eat and drink. Here, the food & drinks stands are separated from the arts and crafts stands. Plus, several of these stands have indoor areas which is great if it’s raining or snowing heavily. You can try all sorts of Austrian regional dishes at Altes AKH Christmas market. There’s even a shop selling traditional hams and cheeses and jams and more. You can try most of these before you buy them. Also, there is a restaurant on the edge of the Christmas market.

You can drink mulled wine or hot chocolate or punch at any Christmas market in the world. What I especially love about Christmas markets in Austria is that all of these drinks are served in beautiful Christmas mugs. You pay your drink between 6 and 7 euros usually and then after you drink it you can return your mug and get back 3 or 4 euros which is the deposit for the mug. If you like the mug and want to keep it as a nice souvenir you just keep it. I have several beautiful Christmas mugs from different Christmas markets in Vienna. I regret not keeping this pretty Christmas mug. The drink itself was heaven in a mug. It was pistachio and hazelnut punch. Yummy!

Would I recommend visiting Altes AKH Christmas market in Vienna? Yes and no. Well, it’s a rather nice Christmas market but your first choice should be the Christmas market at the City Hall (Christkindlmarkt at Rathaus platz ). That’s the oldest and the biggest Christmas martket in Vienna. If you like castles then you should visit the Christmas market at Belvedere castle or the Christmas market at Schönbrunn castle. If you have already visited all the famous Christmas markets in Vienna then why not go local and visit the Altes AKH Christmas market. I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.

For opening times for 2019 and other practical information about Altes AKH Christmas market check this site.

Have you visited the Christmas markets in Vienna? You can also check my post about the Christmas market in Villach & Velden (Austria).

Linking up for December’s festive Travel Link Up by  Binny’s Food and Travel DiariesAdventures of a London Kiwi and SilverSpoon London.

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42 thoughts on “Altes AKH Christmas market, Vienna

  1. Honestly, I couldn’t believe it when Winchester won best European Christmas Market. I don’t believe any of the judges have ever visited real Christmas markets like the ones in Vienna and Munich! 😀 Hope you had a lovely festive season!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. That pistachio and hazelnut punch looks lush! I love Vienna in winter and Xmas markets but have to confess in the last 10 years I didn’t get myself to go back – it’s magical but also so cold! Thanks so much for taking me on the memory lane a lifetime ago before kids and linking into #CulturedKids!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Great post! This reminds me of last year when I also visited this same Christmas market in the morning and really liked it! I probably could have been on one of your pictures 😂 Anyway, Christmas markets are one of the things that make winter a bit more bearable to me and I can’t wait to discover new ones in new cities each year. Last year was Vienna (with my personal favourite in Spittelberg) and this year will be Brussels. Can’t wait! Thanks a lot for sharing the Christmas spirit 😍

    Liked by 1 person

    1. thanks Juliette. I’ve visited Spittelberg too:) Enjoy the Christmas markets in Brussels. I must say I completely loved Bruges but I didn’t fall for Brussels when we spent the weekend there years ago.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I love Christmas markets too. I have not been to a market in Vienna. This one looks so charming and soo inviting ❤️. I have a collection of mugs from various Christmas markets of Germany. I would love to add this one to my collection. Beautiful and cheerful post.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. My two boys are both desperate to visit Vienna and having had the most magical experience visiting the Christmas market in Innsbruck last year I think it would be wonderful to see them in Vienna – although it’s a LOT bigger. It’s great to read about a smaller, less crowded market. This sounds perfect for little ones and I love that gluhwein mug. Thanks for sharing on #farawayfiles

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You have to take them to Vienna at Christmas season definitely. And try to see at least three different Christmas markets. Absolutely , your first choice should be the Christmas market at the City Hall, that’s the most impressive one even if it’s terribly crowded. Then, choose one of the castles and then a smaller one such as Hof, or Freyung or even this one, Altes AKH.


  6. I think it’s great to highlight smaller markets off the tourist track. Often only the big ones are highlighted and there is something cozy about a little local one. Love the Christmas tree made out of sleds! Thanks for sharing with #FarawayFiles – cheers from Copenhagen – it’s definitely starting to look like Christmas up here too!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Oooh, going to the Christmas markets in Vienna would be like a dream! I’d seriously love to visit when my little one is a little older. We visited Vienna in spring a few years ago and loved it. Would definitely go back!

    Liked by 1 person

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