12 months, 12 photos (2017)

Last year I published an overview of my year in 12 photos. One photo for each month of the year. I decided to do it again this year. However, this was a much different year because I finally got pregnant and welcomed my baby boy last month:) So happy! But that meant that I didn’t travel much. Actually there was only one trip abroad in the whole year and that was a day trip! I know, very pitiful for a travel blogger. Though there were plenty of local day trips and a very lovely babymoon.

So this is my 2017 in 12 photos:


Krk island, Croatia

My husband and I spent a few very cold days in his parents’ summer house on the island Krk. The whole place was virtually deserted so we went for a walk by the sea and we played board games at home.


I did a course for a tourist guide and got my licence later on. One of the places we visited during that course was the tiny town of Osor on the island Cres. I meant to post about it to continue my Discover Croatia series but life got in the way.


Yay! I am 8 weeks pregnant in this photo 🙂 our wish finally came true…


This is a photo from a very interesting event at Trsat Castle, Rijeka, Croatia. We went to a lot of historical/cultural/touristic events in our local area during my pregnancy.


I spent a day in Trieste, Italy with my best friend exploring Trieste’s traditional coffee houses 🙂 and eating lots of cake!


We went to another interesting event in Bakar, Croatia! These guys are wearing historical costumes.


An unexpected gift from a friend quickly became one of my favourite board games 🙂 and not just because it’s got pictures of London


We spent a lovely babymoon weekend trip in Gorski kotar region of Croatia (woods&wild animals&small towns) and we’ve also visited Ogulin and its castle pictured here.


I did a postcard exchange with a blogger friend Ishita.


This is a photo from Opatija, a beautiful seaside town in Croatia. This is actually where tourism began in Croatia in mid 19th century when Opatija was frequented by royals from Austro-Hungarian empire.


My baby boy V. was born at the beginning of the month! 🙂 🙂 🙂


Big Christmas tree in my hometown

So, that was my 2017 in 12 photos🙂 What about your 2017? How was it? Where did you travel?


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30 thoughts on “12 months, 12 photos (2017)

  1. Congratulations on your 2017 Tanja!
    You went to some of the lesser-known Croatian islands that we haven’t seen yet (Cres and Krk), so you did achieve to do some travelling 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Not pitiful at all, exploring your own backyard can be just as rewarding and your photos show just that. Congratulations on having a baby boy, he is adorable! We are also trying to have a baby so all the baby news make my heart melt at the moment. I wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Happy 2018! 🙂 xx

    Liked by 1 person

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